The King

I spend a lot of time at Burger King these days. Almost daily I walk in to the fast-food establishment and find a table out of the way; I put in my headphones and proceed to FaceTime, do research, respond to emails, or write blog posts..

When I first started this trend I felt bad for blatantly abusing Burger King's internet, so I would buy a lukewarm coffee out of a machine with three buttons. Sometimes I would even drink the coffee. Then, one day, I didn't have any cash, and using an eftpos (debit) card to spend $1.50 felt silly. So I sat, and no one said anything. The next day I just sat again, and no one seemed to care. So now I sit, and soak up the free internet as a way to pass the time.

You see, I love my job, I really do. It seems, however, my job feels we have a more casual relationship than I was envisioning for us. I am to understand that it's not me, it's the season, the winter months decrease local demand for beer. This makes no sense to me, but alas I must accept work's decision. SO I sit. And sit.

I sit at Burger King, I sit in the Library, I sit outside of a local gym, or i sit outside the hostel in which I formerly resided. All for the sake of browsing the web and talking to people thousands of miles away. I am not a person who enjoys extended sitting. Don't get me wrong. I love a good sit. After I work hard I will sit hard. But starting my day sitting, and continuing my day sitting, and then ending my day sitting is getting a little old.

I remind myself that I can work the rest of my life, it's okay. But I also remind myself that being still doesn't take me anywhere. So I am hereby resolving to stop sitting (more accurately, reduce the sitting), and take more advantage of my surroundings. Anticipate more tales of standing, walking, running, general forward motion etc.

I live in Narnia
I live in Middle earth

These are some pictures from a day-hike I did a couple weeks ago in the ranges around Nelson.  
